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Elmstead Primary School

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Welcome to the class page for Year 4. 

Here you will find lots of information relating to our class, alongside some of our fantastic work!


PE Days




Please note that for the Summer 2 half term, our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.

We will also be having Forest School sessions on Monday afternoons this half term!






Homework will be set every Friday, to be due in on the following Thursday.

TTRS and Spelling Shed assignments are also scheduled weekly to accompany the children's homework.


What are we learning?





Click the link below for the parent overview for this term:

Year 4 Summer Term 2023/24 Parent Overview






Year 4 will continue to work extremely hard on improving their writing - have a look at the Writer's Toolkit and Spelling Mat below to help with writing.

Year 4 Writer's Toolkit
Year 4 Spelling Mat






To see the Spelling Progression document, click HERE and look at Stage 4.
Click HERE to take you to the Spelling Shed website!






Click the link below to have a look at the recommended reads for Year 4:

Year 4 Book List



Having a secure and confident understanding of times tables (up to 12 x 12) is super important in Year 4, due to the Multiplication Tables Checks that will be taking place the week beginning Monday 3rd June 2024.



Have a look at the times tables songs that we use at Elmstead - feel free to have a sing-a-long at home!

Elmstead Primary Times Tables Songs


 Click HERE to take you to the TTRS website - what is your Rock Star Status?





Class 4 Jabberwocky poems