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Elmstead Primary School

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Here you will find lots of information relating to our class, alongside some of our fantastic work!


Bawdsey Manor 2024! 

Wow what a fantastic time we had at Bawdsey Manor! The children were incredible and represented Elmstead Primary amazingly. Our team leader Jack was very complimentary of the children and their behaviour whilst we were at Bawdsey. Whilst we were there we took part in a range of activities during the day such as; abseiling, giant swing, sensory trail, zip wire and archery to name a few. In the evenings, we got to have some free time before spending time together as a group. On Sunday, we took part in a balloon splash activity where we had to work together in groups to keep our water balloon safe. On Monday, we had a camp fire where we sang songs and toasted marshmallows. On our last night, we had a disco and even got to watch the England football match! Overall, we had a fantastic time and although we are all very tired, we have made memories to last a lifetime. 









        "We didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun."




P.E Days




Please note for Summer term our PE days are Monday & Wednesday.


What are we learning? 

See below for our Summer Term Curriculum Overview:



We will be continuing to work extremely hard on improving our writing this term, particularly focusing on writing lots of different genres through our topic of World War Two. Use the Writer's Toolkit and Spelling mat below to help you when needed.
Year 6 Writer's Toolkit
Year 6 Spelling Mat





Fancy a new reading book... Take a look at our recommended reads...


Year 6 Book List





To see the Spelling Progression Document, click HERE and look at Stage 6.


Click here to take you to Spelling Shed website.






Here are some Maths practice booklets that might help you recap a skill we have been looking at in class:


Number and Place Value

Four Operations 1 

Four Operations 2

Fractions 1

Fractions 2




Converting Units

Area, Perimeter and Volume



Position and Direction

Properties of Shape


Times Table Rock Stars



Click here to take you to TTRS website.

What is your Rockstar Status?


Check out these Times Table songs as another way to help you remember your multiplication facts!




















